giovedì 28 luglio 2011

Province travelling the world

A small town in the Piedmont province  of Cuneo, a farmers family, immediately after WWII, rebuilding a present and a future of peace, a boy with no money but good willed to work,  and a dressmaking shop. These are the ingredients for a great Italian success story. The main charachter is an apprentice who wants to astoun and go beyond the provincial environment to travel, experience places he only heard about from local aristocracy, the Earl Caissotti of Chiussano, and could only dream of, skimming the world map or watching the globe. He just doesn't want to stay in the Provincia, that world doesn't fit his ambitions. Those were the years of the Italian miracle and of sexual revolution, there's something to discover out there, a present to explore and a future that apparently wants to dance on  Beatles and Rolling Stones music. The job at the tailor's shop pays the evening lessons to get the art school qualification and gives him the opportunity to learn the hand-crafted secrets of the tailor's art. Learn a trade and it will stand you in good stead. A few years in the province and then straight to the bigger cities, landing in Rome, in placid ferment. The impulse to making the most of his creativity is stronger thatn the temptation to indulge in lead moods, much more interesting to dip into the new theatre scene, juggling between the work as an actor and as a costumier, sure he's skilled with needle-and-thread. To earn a living he does a bunch of  jobs, such as the window dresser, and jumping between jobs he gets to chance to travel to Moscow in the middle of the cold war and coming back to Italy with several souvenirs and a geographical map of Russia. No illusions. He keeps going with the display artist job, not bad earnings and, ater all, it requires creativity, conceptualisation, and ability to catch the fashion inputs,  just as, for instance, glueing the Russian map on an old suitcase. A simple, easy, good idea. The  clients enter the shop to ask for the price. That old leather and not cardboard suitcase, is not on stream at the moment, but if they like it, Alviero Martini, provincial used to seize the day with the concreteness of the Piedmont countryside mentality, thinks, well, it might be possible to propose, perfecting some details and packaging an high-quality hand-crafted product for first-class women. The idea is a good one. Alviero Martini and his Prima Classe leather goods find their way in the four angles of the planet, becoming main charachters of a long trip in luxury and of a tale by the earl Caissotti of Chiussano. In the displays of the several shops, obviously, there is always a page from an atlas or a globe. Now the factory is a big international industry and Alviero Martini decided to ride on the crest of success wiith the ability of a surfer used to run after the perfect wave, chasing after the next good idea.

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